Wes’s Random Weekend Theme – 08/03/12

“We kill the lights and put on a show
It’s all a lie
But you’d never know…”

Recently I’ve started a generally useless but fun tradition of sorts on Friday afternoon. I hit shuffle on my iPod as I leave work for the day, and the first song to come up I make my theme song for the weekend. Some of the choices have been nonsensical, other times like this week and a month back when the choice was Cypress Hill’s “Insane in the Brain” the selection has been full of Win and Awesome. I’ve decided to start sharing these, seeing as that I have this blog and all to do such with.

This week’s track is “Kill the Lights” by one of my favourite bands The Birthday Massacre (official site). It’s the killer opening track off their album “Walking With Strangers”:

Lyrics and more stuff after the jump:  Continue reading